Saturday 22 April 2017

Day Three Grace City Fellowship Youth Camp

Day three

This final day really was pursued filipeano style. I know this because the schedule wasn't stuck to, in the slightest. The day was suppose to begin at 7am with a prayer meeting, and when I awoke at 9am realising everyone in my room was still getting ready,I knew I had all the time in the world. However worried I had missed breakfast at 8:30am I still continued to get ready at a fast pace just in case. I hoped by this point I had got across to the reader how much I cared about my stomach and that eating was highly important to me, as I've insinuatingly mentioned it's my favourite part of the day.

Breakfast hadn't begun yet so I had time to go to a quiet corner and have my own prayer session. I was sharing my testimony in a few hours so my prayers were predominately based around calming my nerves and speaking from Gods mouth and not my own. I also wrote basic notes of my testimony as there is a lot too it, to aid me on stage.

We all ate and at this point there were no vegetables left or anything else that was vegetarian so rice it was. I quickly gobbled it down and we all gathered in our normal meeting hall, for one of the last times. The last session, session 6 was based on sonship, the teach was delivered by Hannah's dad, he is great speaker a great God gift given to him. He was re-emphasising to know our identity stands in Christ alone, and that we all have come to be sons and daughters of Christ. After he spoke he welcomed me to stage, throughout his whole teach my nerves were winding up inside of me, but strangely enough soon as I began walking down the aisle to the microphone all my nerves vanished I was relieved God was listening to my prayers.

On a separate post I'll get round to posting my testimony in hope to inspire others in their steadfast relationship with Jesus.

LunchTime again but my enthusiasm was less knowing it was another dish of plain rice. Then it was the strenuous task of photo taking this went on for literally hours. I felt like we then waited even longer then for the bus to take us back to lagro, Quezon City. The bus was booked to arrive at the camp at 2.. It arrived at 5pm. No one seemed bothered other than Dan and I, but then again they are all used to the filipeano style of being famously late.

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