Friday, 24 March 2017

God's Unbreakable Word through Books

On my travels if you've been following my blog posts you would have noticed my incredible collection of books I've chosen to take with me. Now why I didn't invest in a kindle I don't know, but it's done now I'm lugging round with me all 19 books. Each and every Christian will have different specifically chosen books (I hope) to help them grow I'm God. I find I learn and grow really well when I hear or experience other Christians life paths. So a lot of my books are about others lives where they fell and how they got back up again.

I am someone who struggles with negative cycles, and getting out of them can be challenging. The great thing though is that I am aware that I am that sort of person, I am aware of my problematic areas. This is why when I get home I look forward to attending CBT. CBT stands for cognitive behaviour therapy, it's suppose to be really useful for anyone who does struggle with there mind and getting out of certain cycles; whatever cycle that may be. I suffered with anorexia for 4 years and God played a huge part of healing me from it. However, you also need to help yourself so CBT can really aid mental illnesses such as eating disorders. It helps you capture those thoughts and how you can throw them away out of your mind. Fortunately, I'm self aware of these thoughts it's just getting them out of my mind I struggle with.

I've just finished a book called Unbreakable: what the son of God said about the word of God by Andrew Wilson. It's a short book but a must read! It's really helped me understand some parts of scripture and it's expanded my relationship with Jesus by getting to know his character more. It also opens your eyes more into the true fate of his life and the utter most importance of the cross, and how even in early stages of the bible Jesus' resurrection was mentioned and predicted before his birth, Funnily enough the only way I can sum up how this has helped was it adds to the Unbreakable promises God has planned for our lives.

Earlier I mentioned how each individual will have there own set of books to help them gather information in areas they struggle in. This book really is for every and anyone, I believe however far down your Christian path you are this is a book that will aid at any stage of the journey.

Now onto my second book my most main of all, as it's a topic that's directly affecting my life. As with a lot of young adults and teenagers we are all waiting on finding that perfect someone. Well nowadays I think dating has gone out the window and people need to take it back to simpler times and different approaches to finding that special someone. So I am going to endeavour on reading my next book called 'boy meets girl by Joshua Harris'.

Is this book for you? Are you ready for romance with purpose? This book is suppose to help stop the self centred relationships that end in disillusionment that occur more and more now a days. Finding the loving, committed relationship you want shouldn't mean throwing away your hopes, your integrity or your heart. In boy meets girl they make way for courtship. As old fashioned as it might sound, courtship is what the modern day relationship desperately needs." Think of it as romance chaperoned by wisdom, cared for by the community and directed by Gods word."

This book focuses on 5 main areas:
setting a clear course for romance
getting closer as a couple without compromising faith
finding support In a caring community
dealing with past sexual sin
making the right decisions for your future.

If any of there 5 areas you need improvement on in your life or your partners life then get ordering. But first I'll read it for you to let you know if it is actually worth the £7.99 somehow I have a feeling it won't disappoint.

My book list:
-boy meets girl by Joshua Harris
-the freedom in Christ course by Neil Anderson (2 books)
-the bible
- my south east Asia guide
-where is God when it hurts by Phillip yancey
-the cross and the switchblade by David Wilkerson
-the butterfly train by Sue mills
-incomparable by Andrew Wilson
-Unbreakable: what the son of God had to say about the word of God by Andrew Wilson.
-chasing the dragon by jackie Pullinger
-10,000 reasons by Matt redman
-Hanging in there by John Dickson
-battlefield or the mind by Joyce Meyer
-the power of the praying teen by stormie omartian
-the perfectionism book by will van Der hart and rob Waller

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