Gosh 2017 is well on its way and I've finally made it what seems an abominable amount of time to get too! I will be using this blog to tell you all the ins and outs of my journey, what I've struggled with, what I've had to do research on, what was i praying on the lead up to my travels, honestly i'll be discussing all sorts. Hopefully it'll cover just about all you'll need to plan a journey of your own. Now whether your Christian or not this blog will still relate to you as i'll still be posting all the tips and tricks any traveller needs to know.
About Me
I thought I'd start this blog with saying a little bit about who I am as a person and how I came to pursue my dream to travel. My name is Niamh and I live in a small seaside town in the UK called Worthing. I'm currently 19 but on my travels I would have leaped out of my teens and turned 20. I am a bubbly person who loves to smile and chat, but I'm also someone who likes to dig deep and try and discover the impossible.
My greatest journey in life so far has been finding God, because not only was it a journey I started the moment I met Christ it was a journey much before that; much before even my time and my parents time on this earth. The planning of my life was before any of you could begin to dig deep into thought and imagine about and its the same for everyone, each life was carefully planned. Fortunately, we don't need to ponder on those big thoughts though as we have Jesus to give all our worry to! (thats when i picture loud HALLELUJAH music to be played). I discovered God and my Christian faith when I was 18 and got baptised July last year when I was 19.
I will indulge in spreading my testimony to the world because like every testimony I've ever heard and yet to hear, is an incredible one that always gives me shivers. But I will post that at a later date, and link it in here.
My Dream to Travel must of began when I was really young and became a Hannah Montana Fan (my guilty pleasure) and I really wanted to travel the US and do a road trip of a life time, in a cool car of course. Not only was it my small maybe slightly big Hannah Montana obsession it was also that my dad was Canadian, so that made me dream about tasting the fresh air of Canada by soaring through one of their many great lakes on a boat.
Then it my trip to Cuba when I was about 11 or 12, cant quite remember. We went out and visited all the local villages by horse and cart. It was my first true experience of seeing another culture and how others actually live. I saw great poverty but what came with that was amazing happiness and thankfulness. These people didn't like the circumstances they were in but they found joy and made the most of it. All these things collectively gave me this drive in life to see beyond than just my doorstep, too see more than just beyond Brighton and Worthing.
Where Do You Begin?

You obviously start which finding what part of the world you want to do go: Asia, South America, Australia etc; from there its pretty straight forward. Then maybe finding someone to go with, if you're happy with going by yourself then that's even easier. However, I think it's always nicer to experience these amazing trips with a friend. I'll be going with my friend Dan, I met him quite unusually but really awesomely!
I find if you wanna spice up your experience a bit more find someone in your friendship group or someone you didn't speak too hugely at college but have them on Facebook (make sure there not a total weirdo, a friend of a friend), and go with them. Because if you were too go with a good friend then like you know each other inside out. Rather than if you go with someone you dont fully know then you have more to talk about on long hikes and also its more of like a a butterfly moment journey, as its further putting yourself in that unknown leap of faith position. Also the trip means your'll probably have an amazing new friend for life.
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