- Phuket is both an island and a province of Thailand.
- The majority of people who live there are Buddist.
- Phuket is pronounced Pooket and not "...." and it used to be called Jungceylon.
- Tourism is Phuket main income, other than there tin industry which grew big in the 16th century.
- Phuket has 36 different beaches.
- They're a country that have Go Go bars! Love these!
- In April they hold the worlds biggest and longest all day water fight.
- 1st to the 9th October they hold a vegetarian festival - this does sound like my true favourite place to go.
- They hold Thailand Gay Pride here every April 24th-28th.
- On the full moon in December they release thousands of Chinese lanterns in the air, being the 3rd biggest in this Chinese event.

Other than my experience in Cape Town, South Africa this is be the only other opportunity where I experience the backpacker life of living in and out of different hostels. Yes i'll be with my friend but it'll be my first time on my own journey.
That's why this travel is so different from any other excursion I've ever been on, because it's purely my own. The destiny of this trip is whatever I make from it and it's my first chance in life to properly do what I want, in the manor I want. (Not saying my friend Dan has no say hahha)
That's the difference about creating your own journey rather than joining out with a friend who is already travelling. What I love so much is this is our journey (me and Dan's) so we both get to plan all the little intricate details ourselves, something I haven't had much of a chance too in my life. Most things were planned for me, and my input was rather inadequate. So however silly its really important to me that this adventure is joint planned and we can both have the excitement in finding the intricate details we both look for in certain places.
Where Am I Staying?

I'm excited for the places that i'll be staying at, hoping that trip advisor serves me well and that I wont be eaten alive by rats. My first stop is booked, and its called Patong Backpacker! I'm staying at a fairly cheap place to start off with because I want to get the feel for the area before I find where I really want to stay for my time in Phuket. I would like to find a place with good staff and good atmosphere. I find its 2 of the most important things other than necessary good facilities, hopefully it's not too much of an ask. Above is the road where my hostel is situated, Thawewong Road.
I will be staying at Patong Backpacker. What made me laugh about this hostel when I first saw it, was how near a Hospital I was - that comforted me haha knowing how disastrous I am. It's a few minutes walk from the beach and has good access to the town centre, wifi, a pay phone, aircon. What more does a person need?
I guess I'll find out when I arrive in 20 days time! I'll be posting my review of Patong Backpacker and a guide of Patong shortly after my arrival to help any other backpackers on their journeys.